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Friday, December 5, 2014

Our Christmas musical is next week!  Here are some gentle reminders:

3rd & 4th grades Christmas musical

             Dress Rehearsals:  Wed Dec 10th 12:30-2:15pm

                                               Thurs Dec 11th 8:30-10:15am

             Performance:  Thursday, December 11th, at 7:00 pm in the LS Gym. 
On the night of the performance, children are to be fully dressed in costume,  in their homeroom teacher's class no later than 6:45.  We will then line the children up in the hall, and take them to the LS gym at 6:55.
If your child has a speaking part, practice their lines with them, making sure they know their lines AND when to say them. 

Also, there are still a few volunteer "opportunities" available to help with our program.  Volunteers, PLUS one guest, are permitted to sit in the reserved seating, in one of the first 3 rows the night of the performance.   I still need a parent to pray for our program, the children, and for me (perhaps in a church prayer group, or ladies Bible study), a parent to put a photobook together (Spring Street Studios will provide the professional pictures), and a few to help with line-up at the Wednesday Dress Rehearsal.  Please follow this link to sign up to help: .  A HUGE THANK YOU to all the wonderful parents who have already volunteered!  You're fabulous!


Monday, November 17, 2014

                  Statewide Elementary
                      Honor Chorus

Congratulations to Helena Chapar, Emily Music, Lily Jennings, Kilissa Gasaway, and Hannah McDonel!  They were chosen to represent George Walton Academy in the Statewide Elementary Honor Chorus in Tifton, Georgia, on November 14 and 15.  They practiced with Mrs. Dyer after school for many hours before travelling to Tifton to participate in the Chorus.

Once in Tifton, they continued their practices with nationally recognized directors.  Their performance included the songs, "When I Close My Eyes", "Old Dan Tucker", "Benedictus and Hosanna", "Three Quotes by Mark Twain", and "Why We Sing".  They did a wonderful job of representing the Lower School music program and George Walton Academy!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Boomwhackers in Elementary Music Class

Boomwhackers are plastic, tubular, pitched instruments that are easily played by any age!  They are fun, and can be used in a variety of ways.  Check out one of my classes in action this week:

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Christmas Hang-ups Cast List
is Ready!

Please remember that of all the children who auditioned, half of them have been assigned a "special part", and half of them have not received a "special part".  All of my students, however, did a fabulous job, and I was proud of EACH ONE OF THEM!
It take a tremendous amount of courage to try-out!  If you are not on the cast list, it does NOT mean you did a bad job, it just means that many students tried out for a limited number of parts.  EVERY ONE of my 3rd and 4th grade students will be in our musical, and ALL of you will make it a wonderful event!  Follow the link below to the cast list:

Monday, September 29, 2014

"Christmas Hang-Ups" Auditions for 3rd & 4th grade

Attention GWA 3rd & 4th graders!

Auditions for "Christmas Hang-ups" will be held this week (September 29-Oct 4*) and next week during regular music class.  Please follow this link to find an Audition Form:

Each student must give a COMPLETED Audition Form to Mrs. Dyer, BEFORE auditioning.  No one will be permitted to audition without a form. 
*I will be out of town on Friday, October 4th, so no auditions will be held that day.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

You Learn Something New Every Day in Music!


I just discovered an interesting website that talks about "Gullah" music, stories, and history.  Several years ago, I went to a concert in Monroe, Georgia, that showcased this type of music.  I found it very fascinating!  I have lived in Georgia all my life, and until I went to that concert, I had never heard of that type of music!  The link below has an interactive website for children.  The Gullah culture is unique to South Carolina and Georgia.  Check it out, and let me know what you think!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

K5 Music Class Practicing Mi-Re-Do
This is one of George Walton Academy's K5 music classes practicing Mi-Re-Do through singing, playing instruments, and moving.  They perform the marching verse "forte" (loudly), and the tiptoe verse "piano" (softly, quietly).  Click on this link to watch the video:

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Star-Spangled Banner                          

This Sunday, September 14, 2014, will mark the 200th anniversary of the penning of our National Anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner".  Francis Scott Key, a lawyer, had gone aboard a British ship to seek the release of his friend, Dr. William Bean.  Dr. Bean was held prisoner under the suspicion he was an American spy.  Mr. Key presented evidence to the contrary--letters from British soldiers which detailed how Dr. Bean had tended to their injuries.  The British leader agreed to release Dr. Bean, but not until after the 25 hour siege upon America's Fort McHenry, in Maryland.  From an enemy ship in the dawn of September 14, 1814, Francis Scott Key was overwhelmed with joy to see that the 15-star American flag had survived the brutal bombardment, and he penned the poem, "In Defense of Fort McHenry".  It was published, and was sung to the melody of “To Anacreon in Heaven,” a British drinking song.  A few weeks later, a song publisher changed the name to "The Star-Spangled Banner".  In 1931, it became the official National Anthem of The United States of America.

Every year in September, my 1st-4th grade students review the words and history of our National Anthem.  Ask them about the meaning of these words:  spangled, dawn, broad, ramparts, and gallantly. They are also taught how to show proper respect to our flag, and how to properly respond when "The Star-Spangled Banner" is played.  You will be surprised how much they know!  Please review the lyrics of this wonderful song with your child.  Each child who successfully recites the words will receive a sticker that says, "I know The Star-Spangled Banner".

This is a link to an aerial video of Fort McHenry, produced by National Geographic:

Here's a site that has many interesting facts, including a quiz:

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Lower School Music Performance Schedule


We have a very active lower school music calendar!  Please click this link to access the schedule for K4-4th grade.

Please check the schedule carefully, as some classes perform the same DAY, but at different times, especially during the Spring musicals.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at

Let's make it a FABULOUS school year in music!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Georgia Children's Chorus

Auditions are currently being held for boys and girls with treble voices, ages 8-18. 
Interested singers should contact the GCC office at 706-542-8711 or email
Regular weekly rehearsals begin on Tuesday, August 26, and are held at the Hugh Hodgson School of Music at UGA, in Athens, GA. 


Friday, August 8, 2014


Music is the universal language.  No matter your age, cultural background, or interest, music can speak to you.  I'm glad you are in my music class!  Together we will explore the many facets of the wonderful world of music!

Monday, May 5, 2014

GWA Field Day 2014

This is what happens when I have the day off from teaching music to my wonderful students---I spy on them all at GWA's Field Day!  Kudos and "virtual applause" to Coach Mitchell and Coach Sorrells for the many hours of hard work they devote each year to making this a spectacular event!  Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Upcoming April Performances at GWA

Here are some upcoming April performances you won't want to miss:  

Tomorrow, April 16th, there is a separate K4 and K5 performance of "How Does Your Garden Grow"---Check the times!   The costumes, alone, are worth coming to see!  Our students are ADORABLE!

On Thursday, April 24th, 3rd grade will perform, "America, the Bold and the Brave!"  and 4th grade will present, "We the People".  These are two unique programs!   3rd and 4th graders wrote their own scripts and chose which patriotic songs to include.   Most of the decorations have been made by the students, as well.   Come and let our students show you what they have learned about America!

We hope to see you at our performances!   ~Mrs. Debbie Dyer